moolart - Surface Soil Sample MW-1

Soil core from moolart well, kalgoorlie

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Ravi Anand, Tenten Pinchand (2024): moolart - Surface Soil Sample MW-1. AuScope. (PhysicalObject).

Additional Info

Field Value
Identifier 10.82670/g5550kgy
Sample Number MW-1
Parent Sample moolart - Surface Soil Sample mw
  • Author Name: Ravi Anand
    Author Name Type: Personal
    Author Affiliation: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
    Author Identifier Type: ORCID
  • Author Name: Tenten Pinchand
    Author Name Type: Personal
    Author Affiliation: Institute of Science and Technology Austria
    Author Identifier Type: Other
Resource Type PhysicalObject
Sample Type Surface Soil
User Specified Keywords soil,regolith
GCMD Science Keywords
Fields of Research
  • Soil sciences
Locality Kalgoorlie, WA
Location Details
Acquisition Start Date 2024-07-02
Acquisition End Date 2024-07-03
Method Soil core
Depth From (m) 120
Depth To (m) 125
Funding Reference
Related Resource
  • Related Resource Type: Dataset
    Related Resource Title: Regolith-Landform Evolution and Geochemical Dispersion from the Boddington Gold Deposit, Western Australia - Supplementary Files
    Relation Type: IsDescribedBy
  • Related Resource Type: PhysicalObject
    Related Resource URL:
    Related Resource Title: moolart - Surface Soil Sample mw
    Relation Type: IsDerivedFrom
Supplemental Information
Publisher AuScope
Publication Date 2024-07-15
Sample Repository Contact Email Anusuriya Devaraju